Yonge Eglinton Dental
Children's Dentistry

When will my baby get his/her first tooth?
Primary teeth (baby teeth) come at different times, but usually make appearance six or eight months after birth. The lower incisors are first, generally followed by the upper ones.
What is so important about first teeth?
First teeth help your child to learn to eat and speak properly. They hold the space open for permanent teeth, guide them into position, and help the jaw find its correct alignment.
I’ve noticed spaces between my child’s primary teeth. Is this normal?
Spaces in your child’s primary teeth are normal and often beneficial. Children with spaces between their primary teeth are less likely to need braces when they get older.
When will my son/daughter get permanent teeth?
Permanent teeth begin to erupt around your child’s sixth birthday. By their twelfth birthday, they should all be present and accounted for.
My child got permanent teeth earlier than my neighbour’s child. Why?
The process varies from child to child; so don’t worry if other kids your child’s ages have lost more or fewer teeth. Teeth usually erupt earlier in girls than boys, and in the lowers before the uppers. On average, your child should have a full set of primary teeth by the time he or she reaches two and a half years.
What if my son/daughter’s primary teeth don’t come out?
If your child’s primary teeth are not loosening and coming out, or if you’re not sure, please give us a call.
Do you have other concerns or questions about your child’s teeth?
Talk one of our team members at Yonge Eglinton Dental. New patients are always welcome