
Pregnancy and Oral Health

Pregnancy changes everything: your appetite, your sleeping patterns, your body, and even your mouth. While it’s important to maintain your oral health throughout your life, there are some things that deserve extra attention when you have a baby on board.

Swollen Gums
Some women experience swollen, sore or even bleeding gums during pregnancy. These changes are not likely to be permanent but it’s important to make sure you’re removing plaque during your pregnancy to beat gum disease to the punch. Make sure to floss daily and keep up with regular visits to the dentist.

Healthy Eating Habits For Your Baby’s Teeth
You are probably eating well through your pregnancy to encourage your baby’s healthy development, but there are specific foods you’ll want to munch on to help with baby’s smile. Baby’s teeth will start to develop as soon as 11 to 14 weeks into your pregnancy so make sure you’re getting lots of calcium right from the start. Get your two servings a day of milk, yogurt, or broccoli.

Sugary Snacking
Your hormones may have you craving ice cream and gummy bears in the middle of the night, but keep in mind that these sugary snacks can wreck havoc on your dental health. We’re not going to tell you to resist all those delicious hunger pains, but we do recommend that you brush your teeth after you give in.

Scheduling Regular Visits
Some women are nervous about dentist appointments during pregnancy. There’s no need to avoid the dental clinic, though. Regular cleanings during your pregnancy can help reduce your risk of gum disease and make sure there are no lurking dental problems.

If you’re planning a pregnancy, now is a great time to book a dentist appointment to have your doctor get your mouth ready for pregnancy and bring your dental x-rays up to date.

Make an appointment to see a dentist at Yonge Eglinton Dental.

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